General Treasurer James A. Diossa

General Treasurer

Contact Information
  • State House, Rm 102, Providence, RI, 02903
  • Office Phone: (401)222-2397
  • TTY: 711
  • Email: [email protected]
General Background
  • High School: Central Falls High School
  • College: Becker College
  • Previous Occupations: Senior Advisor at The Policy Lab, Brown University; Parent Engagement Coordinator, College Crusade of Rhode Island
Major Responsibilities
  • The Office of the General Treasurer manages the Employee's Retirement System of Rhode Island, which provides retirement benefits to more than 60,000 teachers, state employees and municipal employees. The Office also oversees the state's Crime Victims' Compensation Program, Unclaimed Property Program, CollegeBound 529 Savings Programs; ABLE tax-advantaged savings accounts for Rhode Islanders living with disabilities, and is charged with the prudent stewardship of state funds and the processing of state disbursements.
Public Service Information
  • Prior Government Offices: Mayor of Central Falls; Central Falls City Councilor
  • The Office of the General Treasurer is charged with stewardship of the state's finances, The General Treasurer is one of five General Officers elected every four years by the statewide electorate.
Key Staff
Chief of Staff, Gonzalo Cuervo [email protected]
General Counsel, Eileen Cheng [email protected]
Deputy Chief of Staff, Wilder Arboleda [email protected]
Executive Director, Retirement System, Frank J.Karpinski [email protected]
Chief Investment Officer, Eric Baggesen [email protected]
Chief Operating Officer, Tiffany Kaschel
Director of Communications, Michelle Moreno-Silva [email protected]
Director of Legislative Affairs, Robert Craven, Jr. ESQ. [email protected]
Director of Financial Education and Constituent Affairs, Ranika Reyes [email protected]

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