Life Science Hub, Rhode Island

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RIGL 23-99-4
Name Position Engagement Term Expiration Appointed By
Chair Chair 01/12/2024 01/01/2028 Governor McKee with Advice and Consent of the Senate
Brian Britson 01/01/2028 Governor McKee
Kerry E Evers Ph.D 02/28/2024 01/01/2028 Governor McKee
Vacant 02/26/2024 01/01/2028 Governor McKee
Cassandra Thomas Dir. of Economic Development, Providence Governor McKee
Michael Wagner MD FACP President and CEO, Care New England Governor McKee
John Fernandez President and CEO, Lifespan 04/02/2024 Governor McKee
Mukesh K Jain MD Dean, Warren Alpert Med School of Brown University Governor McKee
Christina H Paxson President, Brown University 04/08/2024 Governor McKee
Marc B Parlange President, University of Rhode Island Governor McKee
Jack R. Warner Ed.D. President, Rhode Island College 04/02/2024 Governor McKee
Ernest Almonte Public Member, CPA & Member of RI Society of CPAs 12/01/2027 Governor McKee
Armand E Sabitoni Rep. of Organized Labor/ Designee 02/01/2027 Governor McKee
Christopher G Thanos 04/04/2024 12/01/2027 Governor McKee
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