Restoration Committee, Rhode Island State House

Contact Information

Lane Sparkman
(401) 330-3182

Ex. Order 95-15
Name Position Engagement Term Expiration Appointed By
John W. Smith Governor Chafee
Sally Strachan 07/18/2007 Governor Carcieri
Dennis Stark 05/06/2003 Governor Carcieri
Cristina Thayer Harsch 02/16/2005 Governor Carcieri
John Arnold 05/15/2003 Governor Carcieri
Sarah Rockett 05/07/2003 Governor Carcieri
Executive Director of The Providence Preservation Society Statutory
Mary Riggs Governor Chafee
Marisa Brown 10/19/2017 Governor Raimondo
Executive Director of RI Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission Statutory
Mikael Powell 10/03/2017 Governor McKee
11/15/2017 Governor Raimondo
Alison Izzi Governor Raimondo
Michael Dibiase Governor Raimondo
Marjory O'Toole 02/17/2021 Governor Raimondo
Lane Sparkman Governor Raimondo
Kelsey Mullen Designee to Executive Director of The Providence Preservation Society Executive Director of The Providence Preservation Society
Elizabeth Debs 07/28/2022 Governor McKee
Erica Busillo-Adams 10/21/2022 Governor McKee
Carrie Taylor 05/22/2023 Governor McKee
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