Employees' Retirement System of Rhode Island

Contact Information

Frank Karpinski

50 Service Ave., 2nd Fl., Warwick, RI, 02886
(401) 462-7600
(401) 462-7691
[email protected]

The Employees Retirement System of Rhode Island (ERSRI) is a contributory defined benefit and defined contribution retirement system. The plan provides retirement, disability and survivor benefits to state employees, public school teachers, municipal employees who are employed by a participating municipality, and state police and judges.
ERSRI provides services and information to its membership of over 40,000 active and inactive members and over 28,000 retirees.

Title Name Phone Number Email
Executive Director Frank J. Karpinski 401-462-7600 [email protected]
Deputy General Counsel Gayle Mambro-Martin 401-462-7600 [email protected]

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