Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission, Rhode Island

Contact Information

Kelsey Mullen
(401) 222-4137

150 Benefit St., Providence, RI, 02903-1209
(401) 222-2678
[email protected]

@Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission

The Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission is the State office for historic preservation and heritage programs.
The Commission develops and carries out programs to document, support, and celebrate the ethnic and cultural heritage of Rhode Island's people. The Commission identifies and protects historic and prehistoric sites, buildings, and districts, administers grants, loans, and tax credits for rehabilitation of historic buildings; and reviews federal and state projects that may affect cultural resources.

Title Name Phone Number Email
Executive Director / State Historic Preservation Officer Jeffrey D. Emidy 401-222-4134 [email protected]
Deputy Director / Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer Joanna Doherty 401-222-4136 [email protected]
Assistant Administrator Financial Management Shanna Vecchio-Schubert 401-222-2077 [email protected]
Grants Manager/Heritage Coordinator Donna Alqassar 401-222-4133 [email protected]
Office & Facility Manager Rosemary Carreiro 401-222-3103 [email protected]
Archaeologist Charlotte C.W. Taylor 401-222-4140 [email protected]
Architectural Historian Sarah Zurier 401-222-4142 [email protected]
Architectural Historian Mary Kate Harrington 401-222-4132 [email protected]
Project Review Coordinator Elizabeth Totten 401-222-2671 [email protected]
Public Information Coordinator / Historian Kelsey Mullen 401-222-4137 [email protected]
Restoration Project Manager Roberta Randall 401-222-4333 [email protected]
Restoration Project Manager Virginia S. Hesse 401-222-4135 [email protected]

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