Barbering and Hairdressing, Board of

Contact Information

Ellen Ruggieri
(401) 222-4713

The Board of Hairdressing and Barbering acts in an advisory capacity to the Department and to the Director of Health in all matters pertaining to the practice of the profession.
The Board is responsible for the review and approval of applications for initial licensure, the formulation and promulgation of rules and regulations pertaining to the practice of the profession and for the overall exercise of disciplinary authority over all persons regulated under the statute. The categories of professional licensure and certification which fall within the authority of the Board are: Hairdresser; Barber; Barber Apprentice; Manicurist; Esthetician; Hairdressing/Barber Instructor; Manicurist Instructor; Esthetician Instructor; and Hairdresser/Barber Managers of Hair Design Shops.

Title Name Phone Number Email
Board Administrator Linda Esposito 401-222-4998 [email protected]
Inspector Stacy Mello 401-222-2357 [email protected]

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