Transportation, Department of

Contact Information

Charles St. Martin
(401) 563-4007

Two Capitol Hill, Providence, RI, 02903
(401) 222-2450
(401) 563-2086
[email protected]

The Department of Transportation is responsible for the implementation of both short and long-term transportation improvements for the State of Rhode Island. Included in this effort is the maintenance of over 1,100 miles of roadways, 1,178 bridges, and over 800 traffic signalization systems. The Department is also responsible for maintaining a continuing comprehensive transportation program by coordinating and performing planning functions for all modes of transportation.
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) designs, constructs, and maintains the State's surface transportation system. This includes not only roads and bridges but also the State's rail stations, tolling program, bike paths and ferry service.

Title Name Phone Number Email
Director Peter Alviti, Jr. (401)-563-2481 [email protected]
Chief Operating Officer (acting) Loren Doyle (401)-563-2481 [email protected]
Assistant Director of Legal Services (acting) John J. Igliozzi (401)-563-6510 [email protected]
Communications Director Ralph Valente 401-563-4450 [email protected]
Administrator Division of Planning (Acting) Pamela Cotter 4015634004 [email protected]
Chief Engineer of Infrastructure Bob Rocchio PE (401)-563-4008 [email protected]
Administrator of Project Management (Acting) Lori Fisette 401-563-4103

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