Cumberland, Town of

Contact Information

Sarah King
(401) 728-2400

Cumberland Town Hall, 45 Broad St., Cumberland, RI, 02864
401-728-2400 x132
(401) 724-1103
[email protected]

Title Name Phone Number Email
Mayor Jeffrey Mutter (401)-728-2400 x132 [email protected]
Chief of Staff Sara Brelsford 401-728-2400 x134 [email protected]
Community Outreach Coordinator Sarah King 401 728-2400 x132 [email protected]
Town Clerk Sandra M. Giovanelli 401-728-2400 x138 [email protected]
Town Sergeant Raymond Lane 401-722-6375
Town Solicitor Kelley Morris 401-728-2400 x130 [email protected]
Assistant Town Solicitor Peter Skwirz
Probate Judge Joseph Roszkowksi 401-728-2400 x154
School Superintendent Philip Thornton 401-658-1600 x8 [email protected]
Police Chief Matthew Benson 401-333-2500 [email protected]
Deputy Police Chief Matthew Alves 401-333-2500 [email protected]
Animal Control Officer David Waycott 401-333-2745 [email protected]
EMS Chief John Pliakas 401-334-3090
Finance Director/Tax Collector/Treasurer Melinda Brouillard 401-728-2400 x168 [email protected]
Deputy Finance Director Noreen Lux 401-728-2400 x120 [email protected]
Public Works Director Joseph Duarte 401-728-2400 x143 [email protected]
Assistant Town Engineer James N'Tow 401-728-2400 x126 [email protected]
Building Official Larry Enright 401-728-2400 x127 [email protected]
Building Inspector Kevin Joyce 401-728-2400 x 144 [email protected]
Water Superintendent Romeo Mendes 401-658-0666 [email protected]
Public Works Superintendent James Pereira 401-723-7251 [email protected]
Planning & Community Development Director Glenn Modica 401-728-2400 x142 [email protected]
Tax Assessor Albert Wylie 41-728-2400 x149 [email protected]
Deputy Tax Assessor Richard Arpin 401-728-2400 x139 [email protected]
Parks and Recreation Director Michael Crawley 401-334-9996 [email protected]
Senior Services Director Michael Crawley 401-334-2555 [email protected]
Library Director Celeste M. Dyer 401-333-2552 [email protected]
Director, Office of Children, Youth, and Learning Liz Lemire 401-475-0929 [email protected]
Housing Auth. Exec. Director Susan Monaghan 401-475-5282 [email protected]

Title Name Phone Number Email
TOWN COUNCIL AT LARGE Michael Kinch (401)-334-3086 [email protected]
TOWN COUNCIL AT LARGE Peter Bradley 401-692-1210 [email protected]
TOWN COUNCIL AT LARGE Thomas Kane 401-3740937 [email protected]
TOWN COUNCIL DISTRICT 1 Stephanie Gemski (401)-578-8473 [email protected]
TOWN COUNCIL DISTRICT 1 James K. Metivier 401-465-2069 [email protected]
TOWN COUNCIL DISTRICT 1 James Metivier 4014652069 [email protected]
TOWN COUNCIL DISTRICT 2 E. Craig Dwyer 401-333-4744 [email protected]
TOWN COUNCIL DISTRICT 2 Timothy Magill 4017870464 [email protected]
TOWN COUNCIL DISTRICT 3 Lisa Beaulieu 401-334-1704 [email protected]
TOWN COUNCIL DISTRICT 4 Jodi Sweet 401-408-5937 [email protected]
TOWN COUNCIL DISTRICT 5 Robert G. Shaw 401-578-5603 [email protected]

Title Name Phone Number Email
SCHOOL COMMITTEE AT LARGE Paul DiModica (401)-658-1600 [email protected]
SCHOOL COMMITTEE AT LARGE Raymond Salvatore 401-658-1600 [email protected]
SCHOOL COMMITTEE AT LARGE Bill Dennen 401-744-0681 [email protected]
SCHOOL COMMITTEE AT LARGE Stephen F. Hess 401-426-4499 [email protected]
SCHOOL COMMITTEE AT LARGE Amy S. Vogel 401-658-1600 [email protected]
SCHOOL COMMITTEE AT LARGE Andrew Bacon 401-658-1600 [email protected]
SCHOOL COMMITTEE DISTRICT 1 Heather Chea 401-658-1600 [email protected]
SCHOOL COMMITTEE DISTRICT 2 Kerry Feather 401-658-1600 [email protected]
SCHOOL COMMITTEE DISTRICT 3 Jennifer Bernardo (401)-658-1600 [email protected]
SCHOOL COMMITTEE DISTRICT 3 Paul Dimodica 401-334-5047 [email protected]
SCHOOL COMMITTEE DISTRICT 3 Keri L. Smith 401-658-1600 [email protected]
SCHOOL COMMITTEE DISTRICT 4 Heidi Waters (401)-658-1600 [email protected]
SCHOOL COMMITTEE DISTRICT 4 Amy B. Goggin 401-743-5140 [email protected]
SCHOOL COMMITTEE DISTRICT 4 Lisa Goldstein 401-658-1600 [email protected]
SCHOOL COMMITTEE DISTRICT 5 Stephen Hess (401)-658-1600 [email protected]
SCHOOL COMMITTEE DISTRICT 5 Raymond T. Salvatore 401-477-9737 [email protected]
SCHOOL COMMITTEE DISTRICT 5 Jason J. Dean 401-658-1600 [email protected]

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