Parole Board

Contact Information

Matthew Degnan
(401) 462-0902

John O. Pastore Center, 40 Howard Ave., Mathias Bldg., Bldg. 56, Cranston, RI, 02920
(401) 462-0900
(401) 462-0915
[email protected]

The Parole Board evaluates and determines the conditional early release of inmates, in accordance with State statutes, including applications for medical parole and life sentence cases. The Parole Board also addresses violations of parole in the community and serves as the Community Supervision Board for those cases involving convictions for first and second degree child molestation after 1/1/1999.
The Sexual Offender Community Notification Unit is a program of the Parole Board and it assists the Parole Board and Sexual Offender Board of Review in the implementation of community notification about sexual offenders.

Title Name Phone Number Email
Chairperson Laura A. Pisaturo, Esq. 401-462-0900
Administrator Matthew Degnan 401-462-0902 [email protected]
Chief Program Development, SOCN Unit Courtney Jansen 401-462-0903 [email protected]
Clerk Secretary Alberta Libutti 401-462-0912 [email protected]
Field Investigator Stephen Manfredo 401-462-0907 [email protected]
Field Investigator Amanda Novo 401-462-0904 [email protected]
Field Investigator Melina Thao 401-462-3008 [email protected]
Information Aide, SOCN Unit Joalys Sanchez 401-462-0905 [email protected]
Information Aide Alena Eklof 401-462-0913 [email protected]

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