Developmental Disabilities Council, Rhode Island

Contact Information

Marie Citrone
(401) 737-1238

The RI Developmental Disabilities Council is the official planning and advisory body created to promote and increase opportunities and alternatives for persons with developmental disabilities and their families. The overall purpose of the Council is to advocate on behalf of persons with developmental disabilities so that they have access to a comprehensive, coordinated system that offers a variety of services.
Title 40.1, Chapter 1 of the Rhode Island General Laws charges the Rhode Island Developmental Disabilities Council with sole responsibility for developing a plan which addresses the care, treatment, diagnosis, rehabilitation, training or related services for individuals with developmental disabilities, (established in law 1971). The plan is now or may hereafter be required as a condition to eligibility for benefits pursuant to the provisions of an act entitled the "Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act" (42 U.S.C. section 6000 et seq.).

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