State Boards & Commissions: Search Filing Entities

Our database includes the members of every board and commission's board of directors, the term of their appointment and who made the appointment. Our database can also be used to identify opportunities to serve on a state board or commission.

If you would like to be considered for appointment to a Board or Commission where the Governor is the appointing authority, you can complete the appointment questionnaire and share it with the Governor’s Office at [email protected].


The Department of State receives information relating to Boards & Commissions directly from the appointing authorities. We do not have the authority to enforce compliance or change the information stored in our database without official notification from the appropriate appointing authorities.

Board and Commission members may be listed with expired terms because State law often allows people to serve until replaced, even if the term of their appointment has expired. In other cases, the Department of State may not have received official notification from the appointing authority of a new appointment.

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Statewide Independent Living Council
Maximum Members: 30
Authority: Ex. Order 93-23
Name Position Engagement Term Expiration Appointed By
Leone, Siera 11/26/2013 10/01/2016 Governor Chafee
Kindelan, Kathleen 09/30/2018 Governor Raimondo
Hughes, Barney 10/01/2017 Governor Chafee
Center Representative 01/16/2018 10/01/2020 Governor Raimondo
Bandusky, Raymond 09/30/2018 Governor Raimondo
Dickerson, Aleatha 01/05/2022 Governor Raimondo
Lowell, Denise Consumer 07/08/2019 10/01/2022 Governor Raimondo
Gallucci, Marc Anthony Center Representative 10/01/2023 Governor Raimondo
Matracia, Michael A Non- Consumer 03/25/2021 10/01/2026 Governor McKee
Partridge, Jamie 02/08/2021 10/01/2023 Governor Raimondo
Ringland, Barbara 06/03/2014 10/01/2016 Governor Chafee
De Jesus, Vincent D Consumer 10/01/2026 Governor McKee
Henry, Barbara 11/26/2014 10/01/2017 Governor Chafee
Witman, Dr. Gary 10/19/2015 10/01/2018 Governor Raimondo
Panarace, Jeanne M 03/18/2019 10/01/2022 Governor Raimondo
Litvack, James Eric Chairperson 09/25/2019 10/01/2022 Governor Raimondo
Babcock, Alicia 11/29/2013 10/01/2016 Governor Chafee
Stein, Patricia 10/01/2018 Governor Raimondo
Toliver, Alexis A. 10/01/2020 Governor Raimondo
Plitt, Arthur 03/20/2019 10/01/2022 Governor Raimondo
Stabile, Angelina Consumer 12/11/2017 11/01/2020 Governor Raimondo
Ringland, Jack 06/03/2014 10/01/2016 Governor Chafee
DiOrio, Laurie Rep. Office of Rehabilitation Services 04/05/2024 10/01/2025 Governor McKee
Hammond, Christine Representative, Office of Rehabilitative Services 03/30/2016 10/01/2017 Governor Raimondo
Molloy, Margaret 10/23/2015 09/30/2018 Governor Raimondo
Boucher, Carmen Non-Consumer 06/15/2022 10/01/2020 Governor Raimondo
Gordon, Claudia Consumer 10/01/2022 Governor Raimondo
Battista, Christina 07/06/2022 10/01/2020 Governor Raimondo

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