State Boards & Commissions: Search Filing Entities

Our database includes the members of every board and commission's board of directors, the term of their appointment and who made the appointment. For those with a yen for public service, our database can also be used to identify opportunities to serve on a state board or commission.

If you would like to be considered for appointment to a Board or Commission where the Governor is the appointing authority, you can complete the appointment questionnaire and share it with the Governor’s Office at [email protected].


The Department of State receives information relating to Boards & Commissions directly from the appointing authorities. We do not have the authority to enforce compliance or change the information stored in our database without official notification from the appropriate appointing authorities.

Board and Commission members may be listed with expired terms because State law often allows people to serve until replaced, even if the term of their appointment has expired. In other cases, the Department of State may not have received official notification from the appointing authority of a new appointment.

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Board & Commission member name matches
Accounts and Claims, Joint Committee
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Board of
Adaptive Telephone Equipment Loan Program Committee
Adult Offender Supervisions, Interstate Compact Commission for
Human Resource Investment Council - Advisory Council
Aging, Advisory Commission on
Airport Joint Zoning Board
All Terrain Vehicles (ATV's), Special House Commission to Study the Use of All
Ambulance Service Advisory Board, Rhode Island
American and Canadian French Cultural Exchange Commission
American and Hispanic/Latino Cultural Exchange, Permanent Commission on
American and Italian Cultural Exchange Commission
American and Portuguese Cultural Exchange Commission
Amusement Ride Advisory Committee
Atomic Energy Commission, Rhode Island
Audio/Video Programming Advisory Committee
Automobile Theft and Insurance Fraud Investigations Board
Batterers Intervention Program Standards Oversight Committee
Blind, Advisory Council on the
Building Code Standards Committee, State
Capital Center Commission
Capital Development Planning and Oversight Commission
Career and Technical Education, Rhode Island Board of Trustees on
Chemical Dependency Professional, Board of Licensing for
Chiropractic Examiners, Board of
Clinical Laboratory Science Advisory Board
Commerce Corporation, Rhode Island
Criminal Justice Oversight Committee
Criminal Justice Policy Board
Criminal Law Advisory Commission
Cultural Coordinating Council
Dam Safety and Maintenance Task Force, Creation of
Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Commission on
Depositor's Economic Protection Corporation, Board of Directors
Depositors Economic Protection Corporation, Performance Review Committee
Dietetics Practice, Rhode Island State Board of
Disabilities, Governor's Commission on
Displaced Persons Committee
Disqualifiers Board, Relief from
Education, Rhode Island Board of
Electricians, Board of Examiners of
Employees' Retirement System of Rhode Island
Energy Efficiency and Resource Management Council
Housing Appeals Board, Rhode Island
Housing Resources Commission, Rhode Island
I-195 Redevelopment District Commission
Labor and Training Board of Review
Labor Relations Board, Rhode Island State
Landscape Architects, Board of Examiners of
Massage Therapists, Board of
Opticianry, Advisory Committee for
Overdose Prevention and Intervention Taskforce, Governor's
Physical Therapy, Board of
Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training
Prejudice and Bias, Commission on
Public Finance Management Board
Resource Recovery Corporation Board of Commissioners, Rhode Island
Restoration Committee, Rhode Island State House
Rivers Council, Rhode Island
Statewide Independent Living Council
Veterinary Medicine, Board of

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